


ELEVATE is an event dedicated to wellness and community!

Elevate offers a chance to participate in the different wellness businesses across Cochrane. Health and wellness businesses will open doors for participants to participate in a class, workshop, seminar, or service sampling to nourish their minds, bodies, and souls.

This year, we will be hosting many of the workshops as well as a marketplace at Frank Wills Hall!

Take this day to focus on elevating your well-being. When we can elevate our own sense of well-being, we create a ripple effect that elevates our friends, family, and, ultimately, our community.

Follow @elevate.cochrane on social media to follow along as we build Elevate 2024

Interested in sponsoring? Email elevatecochrane@gmail.com

Would you like to participate as a business? Apply here to offer a service, workshop, or seminars, and here to share your products in the marketplace!

Our events are designed to foster fun, inclusivity, and camaraderie. We believe in creating spaces where people can come together to connect, share experiences, and enjoy each other’s company. To ensure that everyone feels welcome and comfortable, we encourage you to read through our code of conduct.